Acadia 12.12.0 - December
- Acadia’s interface is out of beta and updated for all users - 8155
- The table of contents on manuals indicates where you are at
- The table of contents on manuals contains sub headers and documents
- Added an archived document search page for users with reports permissions
- The feedback report can be filters on status, rating and submission date – 8926, 8927
- Corrected translation bug for categories - 9340
- Fixed a bug in SCIM sync involving special characters - 9434
- Fixed a bug in the feedback report export csv - 9660
- Fixed a bug preventing the user skills page from rendering - 9663
Acadia 12.11.0 - November
- A Table of Contents has been added to manuals
- “Skills” has been added to the main navigation for users with the new interface enabled
- The feedback report has been updated to include a larger table, new columns, and supports Report Views
- Fixed distribution bug for large distributions (9058)
- Fixed bug syncing tasks when there is an unnamed task (9097)
Acadia 12.10.0 - October
- Fixed bug adding users to collaborative playbook (8201)
- Addressed large export performance issue (8717)
- Fixed bug when cropping images (9038)
Acadia 12.9.0 - September
- Fixed rendering of certain special characters in Broadcast listings (8557)
- Fixed a bug related to deleting a document with Feedback (8668)
- Added tracking of original document when a new document is cloned (2609)
- Show the tasklist owner on playbook tasklists (7195)
- Allow tasklist owner to be edited from a Playbook (7608)
- Removed the deprecated Workflow notification settings (7876)
- Updated multiple dependencies
- Added a user detail popover to the Skills Matrix report
- Added “expand all/collapse all” functionality to the edit screen for procedures, manuals, skill progressions and routines. (8034)
Acadia 12.8.0 - August
- Collaborators can be added to playbooks that consist of tasklists.
- The Reports landing screen has been streamlined.
- Recently viewed reports are listed on the reports landing screen.
- Setting added to control workflow notification emails for reviewers on workflow steps separately from the initiator. (7851)
- Fixed property settings display bug when more than 9 languages are selected. (8252)
Acadia 12.7.0 - July
- Added the ability to highlight recent changes on Manuals
- Document Feedback items can have replies added to them
- Calculating a Skill level progress percentage now accounts for tasklist completion percentage (7808)
- Corrected a time zone display issue when showing changes between skill progressions (7689, 7690)
- Fixed a bug showing a warning when switching from the default view of a Skills Matrix
- Fixed Offline Task Management errors
Acadia 12.6.0 - June
- A digest email of all overdue and upcoming alerts will be sent to users.
- Alert Settings page updated to allow configuration of digest emails and removal of obsolete setting.
- Individual reminder emails for overdue and upcoming alerts will no longer be sent. (6880)
- Feedback notifications link to the feedback item instead of the document. (5934)
- Feedback notes are editable. (7295)
- Archived Document Owners will not receive Feedback Notifications. (7542)
- Document owners that do not have contributor permissions can see a view-only mode of a feedback item. (6386)
- A “Select All” option has been added to the skill selection list on the Skills Matrix. (7117)
- The Skills Matrix report now limits selected skills to a maximum of 100 skills. (7116)
- Fixed bug preventing scrolling in the Notifications dropdown on Android phones (7441)
Acadia 12.5.0 - May
- Feedback items can have notes added to them by editors.
- Document feedback can be reviewed when editing the document it was left on.
- Added ability to view the most recent updates to a Skill Progression (6075)
- Added ability to view the changes made on a historical version of a Skill Progression (6075)
- Added ability to view what is being updated when approving a Skill Progression document. (5711)
- Skill levels acquired through an import are noted in the sign-off of the Skill level. (6939)
- User Lists can be deleted if they are not in use. (5722)
- Updated Broadcasts and Notifications unread indicator. (6770)
- Notifications will be displayed in a dropdown from the header.
- The User Activity Report provides per user details when a summarized property is clicked. (6926)
- User Activity Report filters will persist when navigating away and returning. (5537)
- Added notice to the Most Active Departments report, informing users it will be decommissioned. (6553)
- Fixed a bug preventing a Skill Sign-off alert from completing (6802)
- Included multiple Skills Matrix bug fixes and performance enhancements (6862, 6871, 6936, 6982)
- Fixed User Activity large export error (6937)
- Fixed a bug on Skill Progressions with many sign-off groups on a level (7114)
- Fixed a bug when filtering from a report page beyond the first (7209)
- Fixed a sorting bug when removing columns from the User Activity Summary Report (7222)
Acadia 12.4.1
Resolved an issue preventing users from being selected for signoffs on existing Skill Progressions.
Acadia 12.4.0 - April
- Added alternate way to define who can sign-off on a level of a Skill Progression with User Lists
- Skill assignees can view changes made to a Skill Progression they have been assigned
- Feedback submissions can be categorized (5908)
- Feedback submission can be marked as closed (6303)
- Added Feedback History section (6304)
- Quick filters added to the User Activity report
- Action Type filter added to the User Activity report (5948)
- Columns can be reordered on the User Activity report (5950)
- User Activity Report can be cross-filtered by roles, locations, and departments (6584)
- User column of the Skills Matrix will remain in place when scrolling horizontally (6244)
- Fixed selecting multiple property filters bug (6432)
- Fixed styling of Property filters in the User Activity Summary report (6468)
- Addressed logo caching functionality (5902)
Acadia 12.3.2
- Resolved a performance issue that contributed to frequent logouts of Acadia.
Acadia 12.3.1
- Resolved an issue impacting the Feedback screen when users were missing first or last names.
Acadia 12.3.0 - March
- Added recent Feedback to the Manage screen (5481)
- Added a filterable and searchable list of Feedback in the Manage section
- Feedback can be categorized (5485)
- Enhanced how property data is summarized and displayed on the User Activity Report
- Added the ability to save report views to the User Activity Summary Report (5536)
- Skill acknowledgements do not generate emails (5732)
- Fixed User Activity Report filtering on the previous year (5740)
- Fixed access to the My Skills page for certain usernames (6359)
Acadia 12.2.0 - February
- Owners of a translated document will be notified if a related version is updated (5358)
- Skill Matrix report views can generate a share link (5538)
- Fixed a bug preventing Skill Progressions from rendering (5658)
- Fixed a bug miscalculating Tasklist due date (5909)
- Fixed a bug removing videos from an editor field (5919)
- Fixed a bug preventing document feedback emails from being sent (5974)
Acadia 12.1.0 - January
- The Skills Matrix Report can now be filtered by who the user reports to (5240)
- Skill levels can be collapsed/expanded (4540)
- Skill assignees will have a message on their skill if the Skill Progression has been updated (5349)
- Translated documents can now be retranslated (5361)
- Limit exports of By The Numbers reports to 50,000 records (5312)
- Fixed a bug regarding large "Review By" intervals (4064)
- Failed Quizzes and Evaluations do not count toward Skill progress (5211, 5212)
- Fixed a bug preventing a user distributing skills with only the skill permission from seeing the distribution results (5230)
- Skill sign-offs now respect the users time zone (5264)
- Fixed rending of My Skills page if a skill progression is deleted (5268)
- Fixed the image dialog on Skill Progression documents (5286)
- Unique names of Report Views are now enforced (5340)
- Fixed a bug rendering a translated version of a Skill Progression (5541)